The Ultimate Carb Cycling Diet Meal Plan for Weight Loss

We all have a love-hate relationship with carbohydrates, especially when we lose compliance with a weight loss regimen and drool over the next dish of cheesy pasta placed right in front of us! 

For a great part of our weight loss journey, we have considered carbohydrates as our ultimate enemy and rival, and we believe so have you. But, instead of introducing you to a dietary plan where you’re told to completely limit carbs and rely on proteins and minimal saturated fats, we have a delicious carb cycling diet meal plan for you!

Tired of Restricting Carbs in Your Diet? 

If you plan on losing weight at home through a diet plan, then we understand why you wouldn’t want to go near carbs as they turn into fat reserves and add to your mass. For enthusiastic gym-goers and athletes, restricting and draining your body of carbs might not be beneficial as they can actually help you to burn fat and lose your body mass. 

If you restrict your dietary plan to proteins and saturated fats, then chances are that the mass you’re losing is simply made up of water. You’re not only dehydrating your body but also acquiring a lean body mass which will instantly fill up once you lose your diet. 

What is a Carb Cycling Diet Meal Plan?

Carb Cycling comprises of a diet which allows you to cycle between low carb and high carb days, giving you the motivation to stick to a flexible diet for prominent gains and weight loss. With a carb cycling diet meal plan, you’re free of the manipulation that other dietary plans have in for you concerning carbohydrate consumption. 

A carb cycling diet meal plan has days where you can consume a low carb diet along with one that is rich in proteins and minimal fats, and look forward to the day where you cycle towards a high carb diet and enjoy yourselves! 

Consume a diet rich in low-glycemic-index carbohydrates on every two days followed by a day where you tow high-glycemic-index carbohydrates and treat your body to the goodies instead of depriving it from taste. This is simply the ‘two on, one off’ carb cycling method where your body consumes the carbs instead of storing it as fat followed by a day where high carbs help you to burn your body’s fat reserves. 

The Ultimate Carb Cycling Diet Meal Plan for Weight Loss

To make up for the tonnes of carb-restricting dietary plans in your life, we have come up with a carb cycling diet meal plan that will help you stick to a weight loss regimen for weight loss. With a carb cycling diet meal plan, you’ll get at least two days every week to regulate your body with high carbs, so don’t fret and read on!

High Carb Days:


Always remember that your breakfast has to be the healthiest meal of the day. Consider taking a cup of oatmeal followed by a juicy banana - make sure they are ripe or you might load a lot of carbohydrates - and a glass of luscious 1% skimmed milk. 


For lunch, make yourself a sandwich out of whole wheat bread, 3 ounces of turkey, 3 pieces of sliced cucumber and a slice of cheddar cheese. 


Who doesn’t like pasta for dinner? For dinner, whip yourself a ½ cup of pasta and include some marinara sauce along with 4 turkey meatballs and a ½ cup of sweet corn. Always remember to choose whole wheat grain for pasta or bread as it will help you to limit your calories.

For snacking on high carb days, you can always go dutch on some greek yogurt along with a cup of strawberries or if you are a big fan of peanut butter, you can spread two tablespoons it on a rice cracker and munch on it. We would recommend that you take the greek yogurt as it’s more fulfilling and the rice crackers would just leave you wanting more. 

Low Carb Days


You’d be glad to find out that we’re replacing the cup of oatmeal with a cup of luscious strawberries on your low-carb days! Include ½ a banana, but keep the cup of 1% skimmed milk a ruthless constant. Can’t have you losing your calcium, can we? To top off your breakfast, consider slurping some peanut butter with a spoon and get ready for work!


Consider making a healthy salad complete with salad greens - at least three cups of different varieties - a couple of tablespoons of delicious cheddar cheese and a ½ cup of sliced cucumbers. 

Throw in 3 ounces of turkey into the salad bowl and add a sliced hard-boiled egg or simply munch on it later on. To top off your lunch, we have raspberry vinaigrette to your lunch of which you can slurp three tablespoons and call it a day.


Grill 3 ounces of chicken breast for your dinner. To make it a balanced meal, consider adding a tablespoon of olive oil, a ½ cup of greens such as broccoli, and 3-4 cubed sweet potatoes to your meal. 

For snacking on low carb days, you can either continue having some greek yogurt and those peanut butter rice crackers or go for baby carrots and dip them in some healthy guacamole. Take at least 3-4 tablespoons of guac to create your dip and 13-15 baby carrots to enjoy your feast.  

If you’re not convinced yet, try getting on this carb cycling diet meal plan for at least a month and see the results for yourself!