3 Important Factors to Consider for Choosing the Right Mask 

Respiratory masks are a protective shield to avoid direct contact with viral droplets. It is advised for both healthy and infected people to wear face masks to minimize the spread of ongoing corona virus pandemic. The United States faced huge hardships as there were only a few PPEs available in market when the COVID-19 epidemic spiked. First line workers are at high risk while treating patients so they need to take necessary steps to protect against infection. ALG Health took action and used its manufacturing expertise to overcome shortage of PPEs in United States during the pandemic.

ALG Health started their service to concentrate on needs of the American medical communities and save the nation .They are recognized nationwide for on-time delivery of high quality personal protection equipment to customers within budget. Their products are tested by third party laboratories to inspect technical issues and ensure customers’ safety from all aspects. N95 respirators and surgical face masks are both reliable personal protection equipments to block contagious droplets that might enter through your mouth and nose otherwise. ALG Health’s face masks have been approved by NIOSH recently so they can now cover up the top level issue by manufacturing standard PPE for the medical industry in United States. The mask can be most effective only when you follow the recommended ways of wearing it the right way.


The debate on the effectiveness of face masks still makes people reluctant to wear them on regular basis. However, wearing a face mask around people is just as important as it is to maintain personal hygiene, disinfect surfaces and ventilate rooms. It is not possible to isolate yourself completely for as long as the virus exists so you should stay safe by taking as many precautions you can.

A face mask is meant to protect you from inhaling infectious droplets so it should be checked for gaps beforehand. Take the mask out from the cover carefully so it does not get wet which will make it ineffective. Remove the mask from behind your ears to protect your hands from contamination. Also, try not to reuse the mask as it may have contaminated particles accumulated over the material. Dispose it off safely so others do not come in contact with the infectious particles. Keeping all this in mind, make sure you choose the mask that is most suitable for your needs.

The effectiveness of masks has its significance to prevent viruses so you need to follow all steps while wearing them. N95 respirators are highly recommended for the health care workers as they are prone to infection at work. ALG Health manufactures N95 respirators with various features including foldable and molded exhale valve to adjust fitting. On the other hand, surgical face masks are loose fitting which may protect only from large droplets. Choose according to your exposure so you can stay safe during the pandemic.


Breathability is another factor you should take into consideration when you choose a face mask. Masks provide filtration to breathe so you need to look for suitable material. N95 respirators are comfortable as long as they are comfortable to breathe in. The pressure drops when you reuse the mask or when the environmental conditions affect its filtration. Read through the manufacturer’s recommendations and guidelines for using particular masks so you may have maximum protection while wearing it.


Loose fitting face masks do not stay in place when you wear them so you need to avoid such masks. They won’t protect you from the droplets that might enter through the open ends on sides. N95 respirators provide best protection from viruses as it fits tightly to cover up your mouth and nose while surgical masks are loose fitting. Both face masks have different protection levels and should be used according to your exposure risk. Easy to wear masks are preferred most by people as they can fix or tie them with ear loops.