8 Things You Should Know Before Buying N95 Respirator Mask

The CDC recommends that anyone who is potentially exposed to harmful substances should wear an NIOSH approved N95 masks. This mask is designed to filter out at least 95% of solid and liquid particles. This is a type of particulate respirator, which means that the smaller particulates are filtered out while larger ones are let through.

But, before you purchase a respirator mask, there are many things to keep in mind. Here is a list of ten important things you should know before buying an N95 respirator mask:

1. NIOSH-certified respirators provide a much better level of protection than non-certified ones. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) is the federal agency that monitors health and safety issues involving work-related hazards, whether they are environmental or occupational in nature. According to NIOSH, only those respirator masks that have been tested and certified as meeting certain requirements should be used in any hazardous environments or situations where air quality might possibly pose a threat to your health. A note about the N95 mask: this type of particulate respirator can protect you against harmful bacteria, viruses, fungi, dusts, mists, fumes and gases if they are present at levels of 95% or higher.) Only NIOSH-approved respirators of this type can be worn during a public or workplace emergency, so you should only buy one if it has been certified by NIOSH.

2. In order to work properly, N95 respirators must fit your face correctly. Make sure that the mask is easy to breathe through and fits snuggly on your face. If it's too tight, then air may not pass through the filter material as easily as it should. Additionally, a respirator that is too loose may allow small particles to enter your mouth and nose where they could cause infections. For example, some people have reported allergic reactions from breathing in vapors from chlorine solutions when wearing an improper fitting respirator mask.)

3. Although they are simple to use, you need to know how to properly put on an N95 respirator mask. If you're not sure how to do this, or if you have never done it before, then ask for help from someone who does know-how. When putting the mask on, make sure that it fits snugly under your chin and is held in place by adjustable straps. Only wear the type of respirator approved by NIOSH with cartridges or filters that are designed for the specific contaminants that may be present in the workplace. Wearing any kind of respiratory protection improperly can actually endanger your health rather than protect it!

4. You need to check manufacturer's recommendations before you buy N95 respirator masks to make sure that they are the right type for your needs, and that there is enough in stock at all times to be used in case of an emergency. One size does not fit all when it comes to respiratory protection devices like this one, so make sure you get what is right for your particular work or life situation.

5. There are several forms of N95 respirator mask (including when buying online) with different shapes, sizes and features available depending on their intended use. For example, some people who plan on working with hazardous substances might prefer a disposable or cloth variant instead of something more permanent or reusable.) It depends on the contaminants that you need to protect yourself from.

6. N95 respirator masks can be worn with different types of safety eyewear and/or face shields if needed for protection against flying particles, splashes or other forms of contamination. You should discuss this matter with your employer before wearing a facemask in a work environment.) Be sure to review the OSHA Respiratory Protection Standard (1910.134) to see if it applies in your workplace.)

7. There are 3M versions as well as other brands that make disposable N95 respirators, which is probably what most people picture when they hear that term used. However, there are also half-mask and full-faces that use this type of filter material too.

8. N95 respirator masks are relatively inexpensive when you consider how effective they are in protecting your health against harmful contaminants, but this advantage comes with a few drawbacks that you need to know about before buying these types of products in bulk.) While the filters on respirators like this one are very affordable, they can quickly add up when you're buying many at once, which is why it is typically more cost-effective to buy them in smaller quantities or have them re-ordered instead of waiting until all your respiratory protection masks have been used up.)

Conclusion paragraph: We can help you find the right respirator mask for your needs. Have you tried any of these important things before buying an N95 respirator mask? Contact us today medicalsupplyall.com and we will walk you through what type of masks are best suited to your needs.